
C++ Library for Competitive Programming

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:heavy_check_mark: データ構造/セグメント木

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 * @title データ構造/セグメント木
 * verification-helper: PROBLEM https://judge.yosupo.jp/problem/point_set_range_composite

#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include "emthrm/data_structure/segment_tree.hpp"
#include "emthrm/math/modint.hpp"

int main() {
  using ModInt = emthrm::MInt<998244353>;
  int n, q;
  std::cin >> n >> q;
  struct M {
    using Monoid = std::pair<ModInt, ModInt>;
    static constexpr Monoid id() { return {1, 0}; }
    static Monoid merge(const Monoid& a, const Monoid& b) {
      return {a.first * b.first, a.second * b.first + b.second};
  std::vector<M::Monoid> f(n);
  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    std::cin >> f[i].first >> f[i].second;
  emthrm::SegmentTree<M> seg(f);
  while (q--) {
    int query;
    std::cin >> query;
    if (query == 0) {
      int p, c, d;
      std::cin >> p >> c >> d;
      seg.set(p, {c, d});
    } else if (query == 1) {
      int l, r, x;
      std::cin >> l >> r >> x;
      const M::Monoid ans = seg.get(l, r);
      std::cout << ans.first * x + ans.second << '\n';
  return 0;
#line 1 "test/data_structure/segment_tree.test.cpp"
 * @title データ構造/セグメント木
 * verification-helper: PROBLEM https://judge.yosupo.jp/problem/point_set_range_composite

#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#line 1 "include/emthrm/data_structure/segment_tree.hpp"

#include <algorithm>
#include <bit>
#include <limits>
#include <type_traits>
#line 9 "include/emthrm/data_structure/segment_tree.hpp"

namespace emthrm {

template <typename T>
requires requires {
  typename T::Monoid;
  {T::id()} -> std::same_as<typename T::Monoid>;
  {T::merge(std::declval<typename T::Monoid>(),
            std::declval<typename T::Monoid>())}
      -> std::same_as<typename T::Monoid>;
struct SegmentTree {
  using Monoid = typename T::Monoid;

  explicit SegmentTree(const int n)
      : SegmentTree(std::vector<Monoid>(n, T::id())) {}

  explicit SegmentTree(const std::vector<Monoid>& a)
      : n(a.size()), p2(std::bit_ceil(a.size())) {
    dat.assign(p2 << 1, T::id());
    std::copy(a.begin(), a.end(), dat.begin() + p2);
    for (int i = p2 - 1; i > 0; --i) {
      dat[i] = T::merge(dat[i << 1], dat[(i << 1) + 1]);

  void set(int idx, const Monoid val) {
    idx += p2;
    dat[idx] = val;
    while (idx >>= 1) dat[idx] = T::merge(dat[idx << 1], dat[(idx << 1) + 1]);

  Monoid get(int left, int right) const {
    Monoid res_l = T::id(), res_r = T::id();
    for (left += p2, right += p2; left < right; left >>= 1, right >>= 1) {
      if (left & 1) res_l = T::merge(res_l, dat[left++]);
      if (right & 1) res_r = T::merge(dat[--right], res_r);
    return T::merge(res_l, res_r);

  Monoid operator[](const int idx) const { return dat[idx + p2]; }

  template <typename G>
  int find_right(int left, const G g) const {
    if (left >= n) [[unlikely]] return n;
    Monoid val = T::id();
    left += p2;
    do {
      while (!(left & 1)) left >>= 1;
      Monoid nxt = T::merge(val, dat[left]);
      if (!g(nxt)) {
        while (left < p2) {
          left <<= 1;
          nxt = T::merge(val, dat[left]);
          if (g(nxt)) {
            val = nxt;
        return left - p2;
      val = nxt;
    } while (!std::has_single_bit(static_cast<unsigned int>(left)));
    return n;

  template <typename G>
  int find_left(int right, const G g) const {
    if (right <= 0) [[unlikely]] return -1;
    Monoid val = T::id();
    right += p2;
    do {
      while (right > 1 && (right & 1)) right >>= 1;
      Monoid nxt = T::merge(dat[right], val);
      if (!g(nxt)) {
        while (right < p2) {
          right = (right << 1) + 1;
          nxt = T::merge(dat[right], val);
          if (g(nxt)) {
            val = nxt;
        return right - p2;
      val = nxt;
    } while (!std::has_single_bit(static_cast<unsigned int>(right)));
    return -1;

  const int n, p2;
  std::vector<Monoid> dat;

namespace monoid {

template <typename T>
struct RangeMinimumQuery {
  using Monoid = T;
  static constexpr Monoid id() { return std::numeric_limits<Monoid>::max(); }
  static Monoid merge(const Monoid& a, const Monoid& b) {
    return std::min(a, b);

template <typename T>
struct RangeMaximumQuery {
  using Monoid = T;
  static constexpr Monoid id() { return std::numeric_limits<Monoid>::lowest(); }
  static Monoid merge(const Monoid& a, const Monoid& b) {
    return std::max(a, b);

template <typename T>
struct RangeSumQuery {
  using Monoid = T;
  static constexpr Monoid id() { return 0; }
  static Monoid merge(const Monoid& a, const Monoid& b) { return a + b; }

}  // namespace monoid

}  // namespace emthrm

#line 1 "include/emthrm/math/modint.hpp"

# include <cassert>
#include <compare>
#line 9 "include/emthrm/math/modint.hpp"
// #include <numeric>
#line 12 "include/emthrm/math/modint.hpp"

namespace emthrm {

template <unsigned int M>
struct MInt {
  unsigned int v;

  constexpr MInt() : v(0) {}
  constexpr MInt(const long long x) : v(x >= 0 ? x % M : x % M + M) {}
  static constexpr MInt raw(const int x) {
    MInt x_;
    x_.v = x;
    return x_;

  static constexpr int get_mod() { return M; }
  static constexpr void set_mod(const int divisor) {
    assert(std::cmp_equal(divisor, M));

  static void init(const int x) {

  template <bool MEMOIZES = false>
  static MInt inv(const int n) {
    // assert(0 <= n && n < M && std::gcd(n, M) == 1);
    static std::vector<MInt> inverse{0, 1};
    const int prev = inverse.size();
    if (n < prev) return inverse[n];
    if constexpr (MEMOIZES) {
      // "n!" and "M" must be disjoint.
      inverse.resize(n + 1);
      for (int i = prev; i <= n; ++i) {
        inverse[i] = -inverse[M % i] * raw(M / i);
      return inverse[n];
    int u = 1, v = 0;
    for (unsigned int a = n, b = M; b;) {
      const unsigned int q = a / b;
      std::swap(a -= q * b, b);
      std::swap(u -= q * v, v);
    return u;

  static MInt fact(const int n) {
    static std::vector<MInt> factorial{1};
    if (const int prev = factorial.size(); n >= prev) {
      factorial.resize(n + 1);
      for (int i = prev; i <= n; ++i) {
        factorial[i] = factorial[i - 1] * i;
    return factorial[n];

  static MInt fact_inv(const int n) {
    static std::vector<MInt> f_inv{1};
    if (const int prev = f_inv.size(); n >= prev) {
      f_inv.resize(n + 1);
      f_inv[n] = inv(fact(n).v);
      for (int i = n; i > prev; --i) {
        f_inv[i - 1] = f_inv[i] * i;
    return f_inv[n];

  static MInt nCk(const int n, const int k) {
    if (n < 0 || n < k || k < 0) [[unlikely]] return MInt();
    return fact(n) * (n - k < k ? fact_inv(k) * fact_inv(n - k) :
                                  fact_inv(n - k) * fact_inv(k));
  static MInt nPk(const int n, const int k) {
    return n < 0 || n < k || k < 0 ? MInt() : fact(n) * fact_inv(n - k);
  static MInt nHk(const int n, const int k) {
    return n < 0 || k < 0 ? MInt() : (k == 0 ? 1 : nCk(n + k - 1, k));

  static MInt large_nCk(long long n, const int k) {
    if (n < 0 || n < k || k < 0) [[unlikely]] return MInt();
    MInt res = 1;
    for (int i = 1; i <= k; ++i) {
      res *= inv(i) * n--;
    return res;

  constexpr MInt pow(long long exponent) const {
    MInt res = 1, tmp = *this;
    for (; exponent > 0; exponent >>= 1) {
      if (exponent & 1) res *= tmp;
      tmp *= tmp;
    return res;

  constexpr MInt& operator+=(const MInt& x) {
    if ((v += x.v) >= M) v -= M;
    return *this;
  constexpr MInt& operator-=(const MInt& x) {
    if ((v += M - x.v) >= M) v -= M;
    return *this;
  constexpr MInt& operator*=(const MInt& x) {
    v = (unsigned long long){v} * x.v % M;
    return *this;
  MInt& operator/=(const MInt& x) { return *this *= inv(x.v); }

  constexpr auto operator<=>(const MInt& x) const = default;

  constexpr MInt& operator++() {
    if (++v == M) [[unlikely]] v = 0;
    return *this;
  constexpr MInt operator++(int) {
    const MInt res = *this;
    return res;
  constexpr MInt& operator--() {
    v = (v == 0 ? M - 1 : v - 1);
    return *this;
  constexpr MInt operator--(int) {
    const MInt res = *this;
    return res;

  constexpr MInt operator+() const { return *this; }
  constexpr MInt operator-() const { return raw(v ? M - v : 0); }

  constexpr MInt operator+(const MInt& x) const { return MInt(*this) += x; }
  constexpr MInt operator-(const MInt& x) const { return MInt(*this) -= x; }
  constexpr MInt operator*(const MInt& x) const { return MInt(*this) *= x; }
  MInt operator/(const MInt& x) const { return MInt(*this) /= x; }

  friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const MInt& x) {
    return os << x.v;
  friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, MInt& x) {
    long long v;
    is >> v;
    x = MInt(v);
    return is;
template <int ID>
struct MInt {
  unsigned int v;

  constexpr MInt() : v(0) {}
  MInt(const long long x) : v(x >= 0 ? x % mod() : x % mod() + mod()) {}
  static constexpr MInt raw(const int x) {
    MInt x_;
    x_.v = x;
    return x_;

  static int get_mod() { return mod(); }
  static void set_mod(const unsigned int divisor) { mod() = divisor; }

  static void init(const int x) {

  template <bool MEMOIZES = false>
  static MInt inv(const int n) {
    // assert(0 <= n && n < mod() && std::gcd(x, mod()) == 1);
    static std::vector<MInt> inverse{0, 1};
    const int prev = inverse.size();
    if (n < prev) return inverse[n];
    if constexpr (MEMOIZES) {
      // "n!" and "M" must be disjoint.
      inverse.resize(n + 1);
      for (int i = prev; i <= n; ++i) {
        inverse[i] = -inverse[mod() % i] * raw(mod() / i);
      return inverse[n];
    int u = 1, v = 0;
    for (unsigned int a = n, b = mod(); b;) {
      const unsigned int q = a / b;
      std::swap(a -= q * b, b);
      std::swap(u -= q * v, v);
    return u;

  static MInt fact(const int n) {
    static std::vector<MInt> factorial{1};
    if (const int prev = factorial.size(); n >= prev) {
      factorial.resize(n + 1);
      for (int i = prev; i <= n; ++i) {
        factorial[i] = factorial[i - 1] * i;
    return factorial[n];

  static MInt fact_inv(const int n) {
    static std::vector<MInt> f_inv{1};
    if (const int prev = f_inv.size(); n >= prev) {
      f_inv.resize(n + 1);
      f_inv[n] = inv(fact(n).v);
      for (int i = n; i > prev; --i) {
        f_inv[i - 1] = f_inv[i] * i;
    return f_inv[n];

  static MInt nCk(const int n, const int k) {
    if (n < 0 || n < k || k < 0) [[unlikely]] return MInt();
    return fact(n) * (n - k < k ? fact_inv(k) * fact_inv(n - k) :
                                  fact_inv(n - k) * fact_inv(k));
  static MInt nPk(const int n, const int k) {
    return n < 0 || n < k || k < 0 ? MInt() : fact(n) * fact_inv(n - k);
  static MInt nHk(const int n, const int k) {
    return n < 0 || k < 0 ? MInt() : (k == 0 ? 1 : nCk(n + k - 1, k));

  static MInt large_nCk(long long n, const int k) {
    if (n < 0 || n < k || k < 0) [[unlikely]] return MInt();
    MInt res = 1;
    for (int i = 1; i <= k; ++i) {
      res *= inv(i) * n--;
    return res;

  MInt pow(long long exponent) const {
    MInt res = 1, tmp = *this;
    for (; exponent > 0; exponent >>= 1) {
      if (exponent & 1) res *= tmp;
      tmp *= tmp;
    return res;

  MInt& operator+=(const MInt& x) {
    if ((v += x.v) >= mod()) v -= mod();
    return *this;
  MInt& operator-=(const MInt& x) {
    if ((v += mod() - x.v) >= mod()) v -= mod();
    return *this;
  MInt& operator*=(const MInt& x) {
    v = (unsigned long long){v} * x.v % mod();
    return *this;
  MInt& operator/=(const MInt& x) { return *this *= inv(x.v); }

  auto operator<=>(const MInt& x) const = default;

  MInt& operator++() {
    if (++v == mod()) [[unlikely]] v = 0;
    return *this;
  MInt operator++(int) {
    const MInt res = *this;
    return res;
  MInt& operator--() {
    v = (v == 0 ? mod() - 1 : v - 1);
    return *this;
  MInt operator--(int) {
    const MInt res = *this;
    return res;

  MInt operator+() const { return *this; }
  MInt operator-() const { return raw(v ? mod() - v : 0); }

  MInt operator+(const MInt& x) const { return MInt(*this) += x; }
  MInt operator-(const MInt& x) const { return MInt(*this) -= x; }
  MInt operator*(const MInt& x) const { return MInt(*this) *= x; }
  MInt operator/(const MInt& x) const { return MInt(*this) /= x; }

  friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const MInt& x) {
    return os << x.v;
  friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, MInt& x) {
    long long v;
    is >> v;
    x = MInt(v);
    return is;

  static unsigned int& mod() {
    static unsigned int divisor = 0;
    return divisor;

}  // namespace emthrm

#line 13 "test/data_structure/segment_tree.test.cpp"

int main() {
  using ModInt = emthrm::MInt<998244353>;
  int n, q;
  std::cin >> n >> q;
  struct M {
    using Monoid = std::pair<ModInt, ModInt>;
    static constexpr Monoid id() { return {1, 0}; }
    static Monoid merge(const Monoid& a, const Monoid& b) {
      return {a.first * b.first, a.second * b.first + b.second};
  std::vector<M::Monoid> f(n);
  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    std::cin >> f[i].first >> f[i].second;
  emthrm::SegmentTree<M> seg(f);
  while (q--) {
    int query;
    std::cin >> query;
    if (query == 0) {
      int p, c, d;
      std::cin >> p >> c >> d;
      seg.set(p, {c, d});
    } else if (query == 1) {
      int l, r, x;
      std::cin >> l >> r >> x;
      const M::Monoid ans = seg.get(l, r);
      std::cout << ans.first * x + ans.second << '\n';
  return 0;
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